Meet The Team


Gavin -An experienced flight nurse who has completed over 1380 commercial and fixed wing air ambulance repatriations over 30 years. Gavin was the chief nurse for a large UK medical assistance company, involved in planning and advising on international transfers. He also teaches and assesses doctors and senior healthcare professionals in advanced adult and paediatric life support for the UK Resuscitation Council and ALSG. Gavin trains corporate flight deck and cabin crew teams around Europe in aviation medicine, travel health and responding to inflight medical emergencies.

Angela – With significant experience in aviation and emergency medicine, Angela has worked in medical assistance since 1992 and is an expert in commercial repatriation. She has been involved in planning, supervising and undertaking countless aeromedical transfers worldwide.
Angela regularly manages logistically and medically challenging transfers and prides herself on excellence in the air and on the ground

We utilise experienced flight nurses, paramedics and non medical escorts as needed to respond to our clients needs.

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